A hostage was held at knifepoint during an hours long siege in a Highland town which required armed police and specialist officers.
A hotel chef thought he had encountered a man who had just assaulted his wife and slapped the "assailant."
Police were called to an Inverness guest house after a woman complained to the night porter there that she had been sexually assaulted.
The 26-year-old has been sentenced at Inverness Sheriff Court.
Punishment includes a ban from using social media.
He was removed from his duties as relief organist at Crown Church last month.
Shocked sheriff tells teen: ‘When you return, I suggest you bring a bag ready for custody.’
A man who forced two girls to watch pornography has been made subject of severe restrictions regarding his contact with females under 18.
He committed 45 previous shoplifting offences in the last 11 years.
Sheriff Ian Cruickshank declined to release the 40-year-old woman on bail.
Toiletries, household items and beauty products among items taken.
Police tracked him down with the intention of testing him for drink or drugs after a tip-off.
Court hears 80-year-old broke down in tears when he heard the consequences of the crash from police.
Court hears period on remand has been “equivalent of a 12-month sentence”.
Inverness Sheriff Court hears: “They drank a bottle-and-a-half which influenced what happened.”
Some of the cases dealt with at Inverness Sheriff Court this week.
Inverness man’s dangerous driving puts business at risk, hears court.
The Fort William man also made offensive racist comments.
The 28-year-old woman also received a three-figure fine.
Inverness Sheriff Court heard: "It was a relatively new speed restriction."