Top councillors recognise ‘people are under severe financial pressure’ but say taxpayers will see their money’s worth
The £818m draft budget will be debated - and likely agreed - at a full meeting of the local authority next week.
Highland Council education bosses’ narrative claims ‘journey of improvement’ underway.
Protections from illegal eviction, rent increases and maintenance to the fore.
Councillor Michael Gregson warns when ‘Highland figures are so poor’ then ‘we need more transparency and openness’.
The local authority admits that it ‘has an impact on service delivery including at school level’.
The IRA’s last head permanent teacher Nigel Engstrand was drafted-in to lead the troubled Fortrose Academy.
The SNP MP says ‘people who can see excess energy being generated from their gardens should not be paying more to heat their homes’.
LibDem MP warns costs are fuelling the Highlands having the second highest fuel poverty rate in the UK.
MP Angus MacDonald hails ‘very positive step’ as Labour energy minister Michael Shanks says region is ‘doing a favour for the rest of the country’.
The local authority vacated the iconic building in 2023 to save an estimated £370,000 annually but has struggled to find tenants.
So is the party about to shoot itself in the foot and make Inverness and Nairn competitive over the outspoken Highland MSP?
The administration argues the rise is needed to fund maintenance, repairs, and debt.
In its formal response councillors backed the view of officials the road network in the north is too big.
The response cites ‘significant length of national speed limit road network and remoteness’ of the area.
Locals were against the scheme including the community council over noise and the ‘cumulative impact’ of the plan.
The falcon named Angel will control breeding by making gulls ‘uncomfortable’ to restrict nesting and breeding.
A petitions committee hearing accepted calls for an inquiry into how public bodies ‘mishandle’ such concerns.
He had previously strongly objected to another such scheme nearby before suggesting the current site.
So what should you do if you receive a parking charge notice from a private operator?