25 September 2019
SEE our supplement to read all about this year's nominees.
23 August 2019
Get your award nominations in before it's too late!
16 August 2019
Plans for the award ceremony are taking shape with special VIP treatment for shortlisted nominees and welcome drinks for guests.
09 August 2019
Nominate someone you feel deserves a Highland Heroes award and give them the chance to be crowned overall winner.
02 August 2019
The charitable organisation of the year is for charities, social enterprises or not-for-profit organisations that deliver outstanding service.
26 July 2019
Nominations are open for the primary teacher and secondary teacher of the year categories
15 July 2019
PEOPLE who work in the emergency services or armed forces are already heroes but some take it to a whole new level.
05 July 2019
Get your nominations in for community champion and school of the year.
28 June 2019
A LOCAL careers group wants the Highland Heroes awards to provide a champion for young people across the region.
21 June 2019
Taking a closer look at the volunteer and public servant of the year categories at the Highland Heroes awards
14 June 2019
Brave child category: Peter Mason of sponsor Macleod and MacCallum says it's important to share stories of young people going through tough times
07 June 2019
Today we launch our Highland Heroes 2019 awards – and we need your help to find the most deserving people in our communities