URQUHART Passed away, at home, on Sunday, 2nd March, 2025, Janice Violet Urquhart (nee Davey), aged 68 years, Grigor Drive, Inverness. Beloved wife of the late Colin, much loved mum of Libby and Christine, also a dear granny, mother-in-law and aunt. Funeral service will be held today (Friday), 14th March, 2025, at 12.15pm, in D. Chisholm & Sons' Funeral Home, Huntly Street, Inverness; thereafter to Kilvean Cemetery. All welcome to attend. Please wear a splash of colour in memory of Janice. Family flowers only please. Donations towards Guide Dogs may be given at the door. Livestream available on www.chisholmfunerals.co.uk/live-services