Claims eyesore is hitting Inverness house prices
A RESIDENT living in the shadow of a long-standing eyesore in Inverness has joined the growing chorus demanding its demolition.
Her comments come amid growing frustration at a lack of action to tackle the B-listed Viewhill House in Old Edinburgh Road which has been empty for 20 years and was also extensively damaged by fire in 2007.
Elena Johnstone, of Viewhill Gate, now feels it is time for the building – once the home of renowned Victorian engineer Joseph Mitchell and a youth hostel – to be pulled down.
The Highland Historic Buildings Trust (HHBT), which does not own the building, has previously pressed the case for restoring the building as eight serviced apartments but has been unable to secure the required funding, estimated to be £3.5 million in 2015.
As previously highlighted by the Inverness Courier, community leaders and others now feel it is time to get rid of the carbuncle, especially as it is in sight of Inverness Castle which is due to be turned into a visitor attraction after being vacated by the court service later this year.
Mrs Johnstone, whose home has been in the family for 70 years, would love to see Viewhill House restored but said surveys had shown that would cost more than it would be worth so the only practical option seemed to be demolition.
“The site is terribly overgrown and unsightly,” she said.
“The householders in Viewhill Gate have lost access to the steps to Castle Street.
“The barriers installed to keep people out of the site have all been bent over which is allowing access to anyone who wants to go in.”
Mrs Johnstone was also concerned about tree roots growing up through the pavement which she felt could compromise the retaining wall and also the condition of a stone archway which had been damaged.
“It is not only an eyesore, but it is also affecting the property prices in the area,” she said.
Her sister Anna Pizzamiglio also grew up in Viewhill Gate but now lives in Edinburgh. She said it was obvious the money was not forthcoming for the restoration of Viewhill House.
“There have been so many years for someone to come forward and propose a development,” she said. “Rather than let it sit for another 10 years, it is time to do something positive now. Demolish it and use it for something else.”
She liked the idea of a community orchard or viewing garden but would not be against a contemporary-style building.
“I don’t care if it is completely different,” she said. “It has got to be something worth looking at from the castle.”
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The present owner of Viewhill House is believed to be Magnus Properties (Inverness).
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