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Fourth recorded sighting of Loch Ness Monster in 2021 is a third sighting for seasoned watcher in Ireland

Veteran Nessie watcher Eoin O'Faodhagain, of Ireland has spotted Nessie three times this year..
Veteran Nessie watcher Eoin O'Faodhagain, of Ireland has spotted Nessie three times this year..

A fourth sighting of the Loch Ness Monster has been reported so far this year.

It is also the third sighting reported in 2021 by veteran Nessie watcher Eoin O'Faodhagain, of Ireland.

He captured the footage via a webcam of the loch on March 12 just after 5pm.

Mr O'Faodhagain said: "There was disturbance of water and a wake is also visible with a black shape is seen rising up and down, as it moves slowly across the screen and disappears under the letter h of the same word."

He said two smaller black shapes appeared close together.

He continued: "I did not see any boats, at the time of sighting. There seemed to be a lot of action on the water around the object even though it moved slowly."

The sighting has been recorded on the Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register www.lochnesssightings.com which is kept by Gary Campbell.

Mr O'Faodhagain's other two sightings this year, also seen on the webcam, have been recorded on the register.

The first was on January 19 when he spotted something unexplained for about 20 minutes.

He caught sight of something again on January 22 when he noticed what appeared to be two objects splashing around in the bay about 100 feet apart.

The first sighting of 2021 was on January 11 at 11.42am when regular webcam watcher Kalynn Wangle, of America, noticed a V-shaped wake close to the left front side of the loch shore.

Related story: Loch Ness monster officially spotted three times so far this year

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