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Ground investigation work to start at Longman junction in Inverness

Traffic queues at the Longman Roundabout.
Traffic queues at the Longman Roundabout.

Work on the planned Longman Roundabout upgrade will begin next week.

Transport Scotland said ground investigation will be carried out from Monday and is expected to last around nine weeks.

The agency said the majority will take place "off the line" of the existing junction and means the need for traffic management is kept to a minimum.

A Transport Scotland spokesman said: "Following the public consultation on the preferred option for the scheme in June, this ground investigation will help inform the ongoing design and assessment of the improvements to this strategic junction in the Highland capital.

“Although the majority of the work is located away from the existing road network, some investigative work is required on and in close proximity to the live carriageway. Such work on or in the vicinity of the live carriageway will necessitate traffic management, including some night-time and off-peak lane closures, lay-by closures and verge protection measures.

“We would thank road users and local communities in advance for their patience during any traffic management operations which may be required to ensure safety of the public and workforce.

"The contractor will closely monitor the operation of any traffic management measures to ensure that any delays are kept to an absolute minimum. We would ask drivers to plan their journeys in advance using the Traffic Scotland website, Twitter or radio.”

Related article: £1 million contract awarded for Longman Roundabout upgrade in Inverness

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