Loch Ness by Jacobite cruises operating 'reduced service' after drop in sales due to coronavirus crisis
Cruise operator Loch Ness by Jacobite has reduced its service until at least Sunday as a result of a drop in demand during the current coronavirus outbreak.
In a statement from Freda Newton, the managing director of Loch Ness by Jacobite, she said: "Loch Ness by Jacobite is operating a reduced service until Sunday.
"However, like all in the tourism and hospitality sector, we are seeing a complete drop in sales.
"Restrictions on travel, widespread cancellations from tour operators and advice not to gather in groups, mean people simply aren’t visiting anywhere.
"As a management team we are working through various scenarios and remain in constant contact with our staff.
"Like everyone else, we hope for a speedy rise out of these unprecedented times."