Bear Scotland warns Highland motorists that major A82 crossroads in Inverness is set to face 10 weeks of roadworks
TEN weeks of traffic disruption faces motorists at a major A82 crossroads in Inverness.
Work is set to begin next week on improvements to the Kenneth Street/Tomnahurich Street junction.
The work by Bear Scotland is the third phase of road safety improvements on the A82 in Inverness, following the installation of new pedestrian crossings near the trunk road's junctions with Smith Avenue and Montague Row.
The new series of roadworks at the Kenneth Street junction, which begin on Tuesday and will last for two-and-a-half months, will include upgrades to the traffic lights and the installation of pedestrian crossings over all four approaches to the junction.
The project will also include footpath improvements, resurfacing of the carriageway and new road markings.
Temporary traffic lights will be in place throughout the work, and some sections of the footpaths will also be closed at times.
Eddie Ross, Bear Scotland’s North West Representative, said: “We are pleased to see the third phase of this project on the A82 through Inverness get under way.
“Road safety is a top priority for Bear Scotland and Transport Scotland, and this scheme on the A82 at the junction of Kenneth Street and Tomnahurich Street in Inverness is part of our commitment to improving pedestrian facilities on the trunk road network.
“Two new controlled crossing facilities were installed at Smith Avenue and Montague Row have been operational for a number of months now and were well received by users.
"This junction improvement will provide the local community with further safe crossing points at this busy junction on the A82 and will help support more journeys by walking and wheeling on the route.
“The traffic management arrangements proposed to facilitate construction are essential to protect our workforce as well as motorists and pedestrians.
"Due to the complex nature of the works required, temporary traffic signals will replace the permanent traffic signals, and these will operate 24 hours a day. To help minimise delays and inconvenience to the local community and motorists, we have planned the project to avoid the ongoing utilities work being carried out in the area as well as avoiding the peak tourist season.
“We encourage all road users to plan their journeys in advance by checking the Traffic Scotland website for up to date journey information as some delays are anticipated due to the location of the project.”
Real time journey information is available from Traffic Scotland on or twitter at @trafficscotland or the new mobile site
Related news: MSP welcomes start date for new road crossing on the A82 after three-and-a-half year campaign