Price points where home buyers could feel the most pain from stamp duty rises
Property website Rightmove has calculated the impact of higher stamp duty charges from April 1 at different property price points.
Its calculations indicate that first-time buyers in England and Northern Ireland, where stamp duty applies, making purchases for £625,000 and approaching that figure could find it particularly painful financially if they miss the April 1 deadline.
The figures show the current stamp duty charge, the stamp duty charge from April 1 2025 and the additional charges paid for home movers; followed by the same figures for first-time buyers:
£125,000, £0, £0, £0, £0, £0, £0
£250,000, £0, £2,500, £2,500, £0, £0, £0
£425,000, £8,750, £11,250, £2,500, £0, £6,250, £6,250
£500,000, £12,500, £15,000, £2,500, £3,750, £10,000, £6,250
£625,000, £18,750, £21,250, £2,500, £10,000, £21,250, £11,250
£750,000, £25,000, £27,500, £2,500, £25,000, £27,500, £2,500
£925,000, £33,750, £36,250, £2,500, £33,750, £36,250, £2,500
£1,000,000, £41,250, £43,750, £2,500, £41,250, £43,750, £2,500