Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon to return to All-Energy green power conference
In just two weeks’ time the 21st anniversary edition of All-Energy together with the co-located Dcarbonise, will open for business at Glasgow’s SEC.
Taking place on Wednesday, May 11, and Thursday, May 12, the combined events will see over 500 speakers takimg part along with some 250 exhibiting companies in the major exhibition.
All-Energy focuses on all aspects of renewable and low carbon energy generation, living up to its strap line ‘engineering a net zero future’, while Dcarbonise, supported by the Scottish Government and Energy Saving Trust, focuses on the private and public sector energy end-user, having lowering carbon impact to improve sustainability at its heart.
Registration is open at providing free access to the exhibition, all conference sessions, streams and show floor theatres and the Civic Reception and Giant Networking Evening on May 11.
Event organiser RX Global's energy and marine portfolio director, Jonathan Heastie, said: “The excitement is palpable. Not only are we thrilled to be back delivering the event face-to-face after the challenges of the past couple of years, but to do so knowing that this year’s event is bigger and better than ever before, and with a supporting backdrop of green recovery, transition, and growth, will certainly live up to, and more likely, exceed expectations. It’s truly exciting to be back where we belong.
“The phenomenal free-to-attend mega-conference gets off to a flying start on Wednesday May 11 with a stellar list of speakers taking part including The First Minister of Scotland, the Rt Hon Nicola Sturgeon MSP, in a session chaired by ScottishPower’s CEO, Keith Anderson, and featuring Jonathan Brearley, Ofgem’s CEO"
Also taking part will be: David Bunch, country chair, Shell UK; Steve Scrimshaw, vice-president, Siemens Energy UK & Ireland; Rachel McEwen, chief sustainability officer, SSE; Professor Karen Turner, director, centre for Energy Policy, University of Strathclyde; Glasgow City Council’s chief executive, Annemarie O’Donnell; and George Gillespie, the council’s executive director of neighbourhoods, regeneration and sustainability. And there will be a message from COP26 President the Rt Hon Alok Sharma MP, looking back to the COP26 Summit and the Glasgow Climate Pact.
Mr Heastie added: “The conference is once again complemented by a busy and packed exhibition showcasing the latest low carbon solutions from an industry who’s who ranging from large organisations such as ScottishPower, SEE, BP, Shell and Siemens Gamesa to the SMEs whose innovative solutions are hunted out by project developers and investors alike. Our features – including our new show app, our growing number of show floor theatres, demonstrations by college students reflecting the training activities offered by Scottish colleges, ‘Meet the Developer’ bringing project developers and potential suppliers together – are designed to enhance visitor and exhibitors' experience of being with us for two packed and busy days.”
Two Scottish Government Ministers, Patrick Harvie MSP, Scotland’s minister for zero carbon buildings, active travel and tenants’ rights, and transport minister Jenny Gilruth, will also address Dcarbonise.
The full conference programme is at with a bird’s eye view of what’s on and when at The line-ups for the seven show floor theatres covering nine topics – offshore wind; marine energy; community and local energy; innovation; hydrogen and energy storage; transport decarbonisation; heat decarbonisation; built environment decarbonisation; and The Research Hub – are at
Further information on all aspects of the two day event is at and