Inverness nurse runs online fitness classes during coronavirus pandemic
An Inverness paediatric nurse, who is also a qualified barre instructor, has started running online workout classes during the Covid-19 lockdown.
Rachael Park, who is 28 years old and based at Raigmore Hospital, runs Barre en Pointe – a fitness hybrid workout class combining ballet-inspired moves with elements of Pilates, dance, yoga and strength training.
She said she was just getting started with her classes and developing her confidence as an instructor before the lockdown happened.
She added: "Barre is a relatively new workout class. It's becoming very popular in big cities across the world but is quite new to the Inverness area."
Mrs Park was running two classes – a mum and baby class as well a signature Barre class for all abilities – alongside her full time job as a staff nurse.
She said: "When lockdown started I was disappointed that my Barre classes would have to be put on hold for the time being, however I have now been so inspired by others managing to adapt their coaching and teaching to work online through various platforms and social media – including my husband, who has his own football coaching business, and my sister who teaches yoga.
"So I have decided to create some online content and hopefully still bring the same great Barre classes to my clients from the comfort of their own homes. My plan is to pre-record a few different classes and hopefully offer some live classes through social media as well.
"The response has been extremely positive from the girls who have attended my class before and from others who would just like to give it a try for the first time."
For further information visit here.
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