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PICTURES: Cycle group Kidical Mass's first anniversary marked with celebration ride through Inverness city centre

Graham Bee.
Graham Bee.

A Highland cycling campaign group celebrated its first anniversary with a mass ride through part of Inverness.

Kidical Mass North (Inverness), which aims to promote the benefits of cycling for younger people, held its celebration on Saturday afternoon.

Giving a wave.
Giving a wave.

Dr Bridie Barnett, a group spokeswoman, said more than 130 people of all ages joined the ride, in a variety of pedal-powered vehicles – including bikes, trikes, a unicycle, cargo bikes, bikes with child seats, bikes with trailers, folding bikes and the Dandelion Festival grow cube bikes.

She said: “The ride left from Bellfield Park, cycling along the river, across the Rainbow bridge, then down the west side of the river to finish by the archive centre.

Annie English.
Annie English.

“It was an amazing feeling to be part of a large group, with safety in numbers and safety marshals. There were lots of smiles and waving from by-standers. We had a few cyclists who joined in along the way, including one with a dog in their bike basket.

“The weather was lovely and the city was busy, but thanks to the safety marshals and the traffic police who controlled the lights as we passed through the busy junction at Ness Bridge, the ride went very smoothly.”

Laurence Simleit.
Laurence Simleit.

Dr Barnett said that over the past year the group had maintained a good attendance at the monthly rides, with new faces and regular attenders at each outing.

She said they wanted to see the Highlands benefitting from the improvements to cycling infrastructure and added: “We owe it to our children to give them the best start in life, and a livable planet to inherit.”

Laura Nicolson.
Laura Nicolson.
A passing wave.
A passing wave.
The Dandelion Festival joined in.
The Dandelion Festival joined in.
Nick and Lettie Baker, David and Rowan Jones.
Nick and Lettie Baker, David and Rowan Jones.
Alice Barnett.
Alice Barnett.
Dave Barnett.
Dave Barnett.
Cycling along Haugh Road.
Cycling along Haugh Road.
Cycling along Haugh Road.
Cycling along Haugh Road.
Getting a little push.
Getting a little push.
Finlay Gilbertson.
Finlay Gilbertson.
Ross and Ian were the front marshalls.
Ross and Ian were the front marshalls.
"Puffer" T-shirt.
"Puffer" T-shirt.
Bridie Barnett and Sarah Ramsay.
Bridie Barnett and Sarah Ramsay.
Hannah and Esther Bee.
Hannah and Esther Bee.

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