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Inverness play area at Whin Park is taking shape

A Nessie-inspired piece of play equipment.
A Nessie-inspired piece of play equipment.

The new-look play area at Whin Park is starting to take shape.

Weather permitting, Highland Council hopes to have the new “interactive” play area at the Inverness attraction completed in time for Easter next month.

Slides are in position.
Slides are in position.

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The remainder of the park remains open during the works, but the main play area and a section of the car park in front of the shop are closed to allow the works to continue.

Flying the flag.
Flying the flag.
It's starting to look ship-shape!
It's starting to look ship-shape!

Funding for the contract has been awarded by the Scottish Government Play Area Fund (£234,988) which was allocated to the redevelopment of the park by Members of the Inverness, Central, Ness-side, Millburn, and Inverness West Wards.

Work is due for completion by Easter.
Work is due for completion by Easter.

In 2023, Inverness City Committee Members agreed £150,000 Inverness Common Good Funding; and in 2024 a further £100,000 from the Community Regeneration Fund towards the park development costs.

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