City of Inverness Pipe Band with LCC staff and Provost Helen Carmichael launch Piping Inverness.
AS Piping Inverness 2022 draws closer, lets look back at the previous event in 2019.
Despite the dreich weather, locals came out in full force to watch the day of music and dance.
The 2019 champions were the Inverary and District pipe band.
Who will be crowned the champion on Saturday?
Pipe Major Stuart Liddle of Inveraray and District Pipe Band winners of the grade 1 trophy 2019 as they leave the arena. Picture: Alasdair AllenPipe Major Stuart Liddle of Inveraray and District Pipe Band winners of the grade 1 trophy 2019 presented by Provost Helen Carmichael European Pipe Band Championships Chieftain. Picture: Alasdair AllenDancers Anna Beaton, Amy Macrae and Ann MacPherson. Picture: Alasdair Allen.Spectators battling the weather. Picture: Alasdair AllenGordon Hamil (Director) and Gordon Lawrie BEM (Adjudicator Ensemble). Picture: Alasdair AllenWilliam Barr (United States Attorney General) surprise visitor along with 5 Secret service personal, a keen piper since the age of 6 and thoroughly enjoying the days events, with Provost Helen Carmichael who presented him with a Bottle of Inverness Town House 11 year old Malt Whiskey. Picture: Alasdair AllenLauren McKie fom SPP. Picture: Alasdair AllenAilsa Sutherland age 13 and Hollie Chalmers age 13 enjoy and ice cream, both from Turriff Pipe Band. Picture: Alasdair AllenAdam MacDonald age 6 from Thurso at the 7 Scots display stand with Right, Wo2 Donald Campbell and right, Cpl Jamie Simpson. Picture: Alasdair AllenAngela MacDonald from Lewis with her children Jamie age 6, Nathan age 5 and Ryan age 8 heading over to watch the days events. Picture: Alasdair Allen
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