Running rat causes panic at the bird feeder – witty comments sought
Some feathers were ruffled at a garden bird feeder in Watten, Caithness, when a hungry rat was snapped taking off with some nibbles on Saturday morning.
A sparrow seems to hitch a backwards ride but it's just an illusion as the fast shutter speed freezes the action. The image was posted by Groat reporter David G Scott on Facebook's Caithness Photos page and witty comments were sought with "rat race" and "rat run" coming up several times.
Other comments included Graeme Cardosi who wrote: "When we asked for ratatouille to go this wasn't what we had in mind." Meanwhile, Wendy Sutherland said: “The trouble with being in the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat.” Lynda Everington commented that a MaseRATi was "done for speeding on the A99".
The comment with the most likes and laughing emojis, however, was by William Miller who wrote: "Red rat wins the grandnational with Jack sparrow the jockey."
Feel free to comment with your own witty captions on the paper's Facebook page.