A life-saving Highland charity is hoping whisky galore can help to give it a welcome fundraising boost
Highland and Islands Blood Bikes (HAIBB), which transports blood supplies and Covid samples across the region on behalf of NHS Highland, is on the hunt for donations of Scotland’s national drink.
It plans to sell them off in a seven day online auction, run by Speyside Whisky Auctions, from January 26.
Currently 10 bottles and a miniatures set have been donated, but the team are always on the look out for more, so if the festive season has left you with an excess of the “water of life” why not give some of your unopened bottles to a good cause?
HAIBB motorcycle drivers cover 15,000 miles a month, working out of four bases, in Inverness, Wick, Fort William and Oban.
With bikes having to be taken off the road when temperatures dip below three degrees, many volunteers have been using their own cars to continue providing a service through the winter.
Many also took no time off over the festive period, ensuring the service could continue uninterrupted.
Chairman Mark Mcginty said: “Winter time for us can be particularly challenging.
“The service is people led and we have an infrastructure in place that works, but income-wise we always need more.”
To donate to the whisky auction email fundraising@haibloodbikes.co.uk
The charity is also on the look-out for more volunteers.
As well as drivers there are opportunities available to help with social media and other communications. Email info@haibloodbikes.co.uk for more information.