YOUR VIEWS: Inverness Academy Street meeting to be held in private
Public banned from crunch Academy Street meeting
The future of controversial Academy Street revamp plans will be decided this week - in secret. The public will be banned from a Highland Council debate on using taxpayers’ money to fund an appeal against its “unlawful” consultation about the project.
“I take it local councillors will be involved in the meeting? Any local councillors who are voted in by there constituents should remember who put them there and ensure everyone's voice is heard. Its a complete farce.” - Ross Edwards
“Who do these people think they are, presuming to deny us access to how they decide to spend our money? And who has taken this decision to exclude the public from a debate on this issue of major public concern? Just when you think that the Highland Council soap opera can’t get any worse…they always seem to find something.” - Charles Bannerman
“What have they got to hide?” - Ann Robertson
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“Bridge to nowhere v2 coming up. What the council wants the council gets. By any means necessary.” - Donny Macbeth
“So the tax payers don’t get a say. I would presume that’s because Highland Council don’t want to hear the truth.” - Jan Duncan
“This is absolutely wrong, they are there to represent us , we pay their wages, we should be allowed to see if they do represent us? They cannot claim it is due to commercial confidentiality in this case.” - David M Edes
“You couldn’t make this up, what a disgrace.” - Marcelle Ross
“Anyone who thinks they give two hoots what the public thinks, has lost the plot completely.” - Niven Ross
I always thought I lived in a democracy.What is the point of anyone voting after the last election the headline was that they were to be a listening council well they may well listen but they certainly do not hear.” - Ian J Fraser