YOUR VIEWS: Readers letters from The Inverness Courier covering subjects including; the Scottish health service; climate change; and Scottish Independence
Who is to blame for failings in the health service?
As I approach my 80th year I grow more and more concerned about the management of the Scottish health service.
The whole structure of the NHS pivots on primary health care; this is something that individual councils have neglected to take into account when passing plans for new housing.
Basically more people for the same number of doctors.
So starting on the premise that there is not enough GPs then the primary care element of the NHS falls at the first hurdle.
Because of this the rest of the NHS suffers along with the patient.
Anything that effects primary care makes a critical situation worse.
Talking about individual issues doesn’t help so let us talk in general terms.
Is there any truth in the current talk in our town that the GPs in the main work part-time at the health centre?
Is that the situation with all health centres in Scotland?
If true, then no matter how the politicians or officials from the relative health boards dress it up it will come down to money.
The NHS is a devolved responsibility, the allocated pot is distributed by the Scottish Government and how the individual health boards spend their share is decided by the heath board barons.
Two questions: Is the pot big enough? Do the barons spend wisely?
The SNP are quick to point out how much more they spend on the NHS since they took over.
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OK if we accept that, then the blame must fall on the barons? They would put forward the argument that there are not enough trained GPs to employ.
If true, then the blame falls squarely on the SNP government’s training programmes.
Whatever your political persuasion you will see it differently but in the end it is primary health care that suffers and ultimately the patient.
But what do about it, would a change of political leadership make a difference?
How long is a piece of string?
Finlay G Mackintosh
Sacrifices are needed to tackle climate change
I am usually a fan of the Nicky Marr column in The Inverness Courier but I am afraid that the Friday, July 1 page really got to me.
The theme started with references to a greener economy and meeting essential climate targets (as individuals surely) but ended up as “I’ll enjoy my holiday, and try not to feel guilty” after admitting the vast use of fuel to get two people to Normandy by campervan.
We must all do our bit to reduce our impact on climate change and yes every little helps.
Ignoring the cost of this journey and its cost effects to the planet, “digging my head in the sand”, sets a very bad example for your readers.
Of course, we would all like to go to distant lands on holiday but these are new and different times.
The tone of the article gives the impression of different rules for different (degrees of wealth) people. Sounds familiar? “Nicky’s idyllic holiday” really rubs it in.
In this new age we all might have to reduce our holidays and perhaps even sell our campervan to help reduce our carbon footprint.
Do we really need to travel to France when we live in the heart of the Highlands?
Bryce Reynard
Old Mill Lane
Independence debate is a real talking point
Plans by the Scottish Government to push the case for a second referendum on Scottish independence continues to draw comment from online readers.
“We won’t make the same mistake as 2014 referendum! We were lied to regarding the European Market by being dragged out, also if England wanted to leave this Union, do you think they would ask us for permission?” – Peter, Glasgow
“I think after being returned to power in Scotland three times, with the main party’s aim being independence, the last time implicit manifesto pledge to have a referendum, together with the Greens forming a majority, it is Scotland’s will, and our right to do so. No external political party or authority has the right to stop it, and all must be bound by it.” – Gordon Smith, Torphins
“We have lived through 10 years of Tory-inflicted austerity.
“Brexit has hit us hard. Covid even harder. All decisions on these matters were out of our hands. It’s time we took control of our resources, our wealth, our future.” – Fredric Barker, Leven
“So far it looks like a split vote. SNP state that taking Scotland out of the EU was against the wishes of the Scottish people. Is this not similar?” – John Chapman, Invergordon
“In 2014 they said we would be better together. Just ask yourself, are we? My answer is no but you choose your own.” – John McDowell, East Kilbride
“What Scot in their right mind wouldn’t want their country to be independent.” – Joyce, Fort William
“The ‘Yes’ campaign has centred on a positive vision for Scotland.
“It is rooted in inclusiveness, equality and that core democratic value that the people of Scotland are the best guardians of their own future.” – Alexander Boyle, Dumfries
“SNP have proved they cannot do the day job. Fourteen years of huge debt, failing schools, dodgy rushed hospitals, millions wasted on ferries, aluminium plants, yards, airports, overspends on roads, bridges and court cases against Rangers, after advice not to pursue.
“Drugs deaths are the worst in EU and Scotland, especially Glasgow, is the most depressing and unhappy place to live in the UK.” – Angus Mcnair, Glasgow
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