UK government ‘promises’ Highland communities a share of the billions from renewable energy projects as energy minister Michael Shanks says they are ‘doing a favour for the rest of the country’
A concerted campaign by Liberal Democrat MPs to deliver meaningful community benefits from the billions of pounds in projected renewable infrastructure investments is gaining momentum.
MP Angus MacDonald said his bid to secure legislation on community benefits took a “significant step forward” after a recent Westminster Hall Debate on the cost of energy.
The Inverness, Skye and West Ross-shire MP asked Labour’s energy minister Michael Shanks to address the issue and he said: “We will announce a package of community benefits shortly.
“If we build network infrastructure and a community is hosting that infrastructure that is essential for the country, it is doing a favour for the rest of the country and should feel some benefit from it”.
Mr MacDonald speaking afterwards described that as “a very positive step and one that I hope will lead to further good news. Now is a once in a century opportunity to create real wealth for rural communities.
“However, plenty more pressure is needed to be applied to the Government to ensure that rural communities in the Highlands and beyond receive the compensation that they truly deserve for hosting the renewables that the country needs to hit its net zero opportunities.”
Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross MP Jamie Stone tabled an amendment to the Energy Act 2023 said he was also “heartened by the minister’s encouraging response”.
“I raised this issue under the last Tory Government when I tabled an amendment to the Energy bill in order to ensure community benefits to those living in affected areas,” he said. “I was particularly disappointed that my request was not implemented in the final act.
“Nevertheless, I am particularly delighted to see this development and can only hope that this new Government takes this matter seriously.”